Welcome to HI-TRAC Manpower Services

Welcome, Hi- Trac has been in Facility Management Services for Decades. We are catering Manpower in diverse Fields ie. Electromechanical Services, Security, Office Assistance, Gardening, Event Management, Upholstery Cleaning, Marble/Granite Cleaning and Polishing, Dry Cleaning, Advisory, IT Service Management, Corporate Training, Scrap Management, Technical Support Services & a lot more.

We are a one-stop solution for all your office management needs, where we take care of client’s convenience, safety, hygiene and overall welfare. We work on the philosophy that everything has to be done in a scheduled way to get the best results and are keen to grow with every new day and deliver the best possible services.[ + More ]

Our Clients


our past experience with you, we appreciate your Proper Response, Timely Support by your staff Gindre India [ + More ]

Facility Management

"The concept of facility management services gained prominence in India after liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG). The market became open for everyone and there is tremendous competition among the rivals to provide best product or services at the optimum cost. ".

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Today time is defined by dynamism and industry is defined by Total Quality Management.


Today time is defined by dynamism and industry is defined by Total Quality Management.


Today time is defined by dynamism and industry is defined by Total Quality Management.


Today time is defined by dynamism and industry is defined by Total Quality Management.


Today time is defined by dynamism and industry is defined by Total Quality Management.